Saturday, September 15, 2007

I was staying in a weird hotel. Labyrinthine and old.
I'm sharing with a girl who I'm travelling with, and we have what seems to be a suite of rooms.Huge rooms with decades laid down like strata in layers of furniture and artifacts.A fifties kitchen suite beside a nest out Louis XIV chairs, massive plastic bowls and tubs in bright green stacks on chunky pine farmhouse tables....
It's fascinating and surprising, I'm fairly bewildered wondering around and peering at things, touching drapes and surfaces. The suite is very eccentric. Doors don't necessarily close, there are curtain rails all around the place where you wouldn't expect.
From the outset she's complaining and whining about the state of things, and what we haven't been provided with ('where's the hair dryer?'), saying that she's unable to put up with these substandard environment and will have to go and complain and move accommodation. I'm getting very frustrated with this attitude.
I'm trying to make the best of the situation and am wrapped up in a towel trying to figure out the best way to use a shower which has a huge antique rose but no shower tray, just a pile of ancient looking Persian carpets underneath..... when she bursts into the rooms though i have tried to lock the door- which seemed to be held together with paperclips. I say "what are you doing- get out of here I'm trying to wash!" she says " No you're not, you're not even wet".
And i go for her. I completely lose control and punch her, slap her scratch her... I get hold of her long hair pulling her head back, grabbing her left wrist I force it up her back to meet the hand with which i am grasping her hair. In this way I hold her hair and her arm in my left hand and have one hand free to pummel her with no chance of reprisal....
After a while two handbag girls come in and say that my behaviour is "inappropriate" (they're talking like teachers- in fact they may be). They make a half hearted attempt to free my opponent, but don't put much heart in it and eventually wander off....

I keep pinching and twisting and slapping, it seems my anger is inexhaustible....

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